warning: always be aware that old gas masks may contain traces of asbestos and should be handled with care and never worn.

World War Two British Small Child's Respirator or Gas Mask              £55

Mask in very good condition. Stamped for 1940. Produced to make the mask look less frightening to children and known as "Mickey Mouse" masks. 

World War Two Adult's Respirator or Gas Mask                £35
Dated 11.1.39

Light MK2 Respirator Pouch with later gas mask                                                        £45
Pouch and strap stamped LIGHT MKII (TPI) H&S IW. 9/45. Mask marked No.4 MK2  RL PR56

1967 Respirator Pouch with gas mask          £75
Pouch stamped L.S.M.1967.

World War Two 1942 Gas Mask  and Pouch     £45    
Pouch stamped E.H.P.(H). LTD 1942. Mask No.4 III  3/42