Military Cross 
British War Medal
           CAPT. A.A. JOHNSON
Victory Medal                 
India General Service Medal Malabar 1921-22   LIEUT. A.A. JOHNSON. SUFF.R. 
1939-45 Star, Pacific Star, War Medal (MiD)

Alec Albert Johnson was born 7 May 1897 in East Grinstead and was educated at Cranleigh. Gazetted 2nd Lieutenant Suffolk Regiment 16 June 1916. Posted to the 2nd Battalion in France 22 June 1916. Lieutenant January 1917. Slightly wounded 4 April 1917. Acting Captain November 1918.
MiD Gazetted 27 December 1918
MC Gazetted 8 October 1919 (as Lt. (A.Capt). "For conspicuous gallantry and skilful leadership during operations at Romeries and Escarmin on 23rd October 1918. At a critical period of the attack, when four enemy field guns were firing at his company with open sights, he rallied his men, and leading them forward, succeeded in putting the enemy to flight and capturing all four guns. He pressed on, and reached his final objective punctually to time, and consolidated the ground won."
Posted to 1st Battalion in India October 1919. Served in the Malabar Rebellion August 1921 to February 1922. Returned to UK February 1926.
Captain October 1927. Posted to 2nd Battalion in Shanghai January 1928. To India December 1929. Returned to UK April 1938. Major August 1938.With 1st Battalion to France 1 October 1939. Invalided and evacuated to UK 26 January 1940.
Lieutenant-Colonel June 1940. To India October 1941. To Singapore 29 January 1942. Captured 15 February 1942 with "rifle shot left wrist."
Mid Gazette 12 September 1946 as a POW. Returned to UK January 1946. He died in 1981 in Deben, Suffolk.  
Price: £5000   SOLD

O.B.E. (Military)
Military Cross
British War Medal      CAPT. W.H.H. LINDQUIST.
Victory Medal            CAPT. W.H.H. LINDQUIST.
India General Service Medal Afghanistan NWF 1919 CAPT. W.H.H. LINDQUIST. 1-1 G.R.
Defence Medal
War Medal

William Herbert Horatio Lindquist was born in Calcutta 10 June 1897, son of John Horatio Lindquist of the Bengal Pilot Service.
2nd Lieutenant, Indian Army 29 June 1918, from Cadet College, Quetta.
Lieutenant 1 Jan. 1918, 10th Gurkha Rifles but attached to 1st Gurkha Rifles.
Military Cross Gazette 8 March 1919 “For great gallantry on the 19 Sept. 1918 at Sabieh. Finding that he had lost touch with the battalion on his right and that the enemy were about to counter-attack, he collected the nearest men and charged the enemy thus breaking up the counter-attack.”
Staff College Jan. 1927. Staff Captain, Jullundur Brigade 1928. Act. Lt-Colonel 13 Dec. 1941.
O.B.E. (Military) Gazette 1 Jan. 1944. Temp. Brigadier 1 May 1944 and Director of Civil and Services Censorship, Army HQ India.
Deputy Asst. Adjutant-General 11 Dec. 1945. Retired 1947. Appointed Cadet Commandant of Dundee and Angus A.C.F. April 1948.
Died at Carnoustie 6 Sept. 1976.
Price: £2500

India General Service Medal Persia  GUNNER J. WRIGHT. ARTILLERY.    £455
With note that states "correct on roll L/Mil/5/55."  (JW)

India General Service Medal Northwest Frontier 204. J. GRACE. H M's. 1st BN, 6TH REGT.    £275
John Grace enlisted in the 51st Regiment in 1858 but transferred to the 6th Regiment soon after. Served in the Indian Mutiny, medal confirmed on roll. He was awarded the I.G.S. Medal for service in the Hazara Expedition. He was discharged February 1879, after just over 20 years service.

India General Service Medal  Northwest Frontier   461 PTE J. JONES. 3 BN. RIF. BDE.    £300
John Jones was born in London and enlisted March 1855, aged 22. Served in India for 13 years.  He was sent to Darjeeling in 18709 suffering from fever. Returned to UK and discharged August 1871. Confirmed on roll. 

India General Service Medal Northwest Frontier   2305 M. DOWLING. 81ST REGT.    £300
Michael Dowling was born in Queen's County, Ireland and enlisted January 1847, aged 23. Discharged 1868, received the Army Long Service Good Conduct Medal. Medal confirmed on roll.  

Baltic Medal  Horatio Lindquist. H.M.Ship Edinburgh.  £350

Medal engraved in italic lettering. Father of William Lindquist, Gurkha Rifles (above)
Horatio Lindquist was born in 1840, son of William and Amelia. His father was a member of the Bengal Marine Service.
Joined HMS Edinburgh as Master's Assistant April 1854 and left her in June 1856; served in the Baltic Campaign (medal confirmed on roll). Served on HMS Vulture to July 1857, HMS Persian to January 1859 and then HMS Jane until May 1859. June 1859 awarded his Second Mate certificate.
He died in Bangalore, India 14 March 1921, his profession shown as "Port Officer".

Queen's South Africa Medal  Cape Colony/Orange Free State/Transvaal/South Africa 1901  6558 PTE. H.F. WATERS. VOL. COY. SUFFOLK REGT.
1914/15 Star            2.LIEUT. H.F. WATERS. 16/LOND.R.
British War Medal    MAJOR H.F. WATERS.
Victory Medal          MAJOR H.F. WATERS.
Colonial Auxiliary Forces Decoration (GRI) LIEUT. H.F. WATERS. M.C. M.S.V.R.

Horace Frank Waters was born in Cambridge in 1880 and after Grammar School in Cambridge, attended Battersea Polytechnic. Trainee engineer at Hayes Sewage Works. Enlisted January 1900. To South Africa February 1900. Returned to UK May 1901. Discharged at his request May 1901. Spent next years at waterworks in South Africa and Brazil before returning to UK 1906 when he became a Resident Engineer in Bedfordshire. Member of the Civil Institution of Engineers. Assistant to Borough Engineer, Islington, London. Assistant Engineer Public Works Department, Federated Malay States 1908. Returned to UK and enlisted into the 16th (County of London) Battalion, The London Regiment. 
Commissioned 26 February 1915 (Sergeant Horace Frank Waters). To France August 1915. MC Gazetted 29 December 1916.
MIC address on reverse: Public Works Depot, Kuala Kangar, Perak, Federated Malay States.
Awarded the Colonial Auxiliary Forces Long Service Medal September 1923 “Corporal, Malay States Volunteer Regiment.”
1922 appointed 2nd Lieutenant, Malay States Volunteer Regiment.
Awarded Decoration September 1926 “Lieutenant, Malay States Volunteer Regiment.” Received the 1935 Jubilee Medal in Malaya.
He died in London 14 August 1946.
Price: SOLD

O.B.E. (Military) hallmarked
1914 Star              CAPT. D.C. PART. REMOUNT SERV.
Victory Medal         MAJ. D.C. PART (MiD)
British War Medal   MAJ. D.C. PART
Defence Medal
1953 Coronation Medal

Group mounted in wring order. With matching miniatures.
Dealtry Charles Part was born 28 Feb. 1882. Educated at Harrow.
Commissioned 21st Lancers 1902.  Adjutant, Hertfordshire Yeomanry Oct. 1911. Captain, General Reserve of Officers 18 Feb. 1914. Arrived in France 29 September 1914 with the Remounts Service. Temp. Deputy Assistant Director of Remounts, Indian Cavalry Corps 1915-16. Major March 1916. Superintendent, Remount Services 11 July 1916. MiD 15 June 1916. O.B.E. Gazette 3 June 1919 for “services in connection with the war.” Lieutenant-Colonel 16 August 1919.
Became a well-known horse race owner, his horse Morse Code winning the Cheltenham Gold Cup in 1938, ending Golden Miller's five year winning streak. Appointed High Sheriff of Bedfordshire March 1926. Appointed Lieutenant for the County of Bedford Oct. 1931.
Appointed Commanding Officer of 6th Battalion Bedfordshire Home Guard. Appointed Lord Lieutenant of Bedford 1943.Knighted 1957. Died 9 February 1961.
Price: £750

British War Medal                                   4CL. A-SGN. J.M. STERLING. I.M.D.
Victory Medal                                         A-SGN. J.M. STERLING. I.M.D.
General Service Medal Iraq/N.W. Persia  4.CL. ASST.SGN. J.M. STERLING. I.M.D.
1939-45 Star
Italy Star
Defence Medal
War Medal

1937 Coronation Medal
Army Long Service Good Conduct Medal INDIA 1 CL. ASST. SGN. J.M. STERLING. I.M.D.

John McNeish Stirling was born in Madras 24 January 1892. 
Warrant as Assistant Surgeon 4th Class, Indian Medical Department 20 April 1914.
Assistant Surgeon at Kut Military Hospital, Iraq, 1920. At Post Hospital, Kangavar, Persia August 1920 and then Post Directorate Dispensary, Magil, Iraq November 1920.
MRCS and LRCP London 1925.
1930 at Station Hospital, Fort St. George, Madras. 1935 Agency Surgeon, Koraput, Vizagapatam Agency.  1942 Agency Surgeon, Koraput and Superintendent of Koraput Jail.
He died in Brighton 20 October 1955.
Price: £475

1914/15 Star             LT. E.C. DAVENPORT. I.A.R.O. ATTD. 12/CAVY. 
British War Medal       2-LT. E.C. DAVENPORT.
Victory Medal             2-LT. E.C. DAVENPORT.
General Service Medal  Iraq  CAPT. E.C. DAVENPORT.
India General Service Medal Waziristan 1921-24  CAPT. E.C. DAVENPORT, 2/2 PUNJAB R.
Defence Medal
War Medal

1937 Coronation Medal

Special Constabulary Long Service Medal (GV) SERGT. EDWARD C. DAVENPORT

1914/15 Star not entitled - Star renamed.
Edward Charles Davenport was educated at Dulwich College, London. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, Indian Army Reserve of Officers 5 Feb. 1915, attached 12th Cavalry. Lieutenant Feb. 1916. Attached Army Remount Department (India) June 1917. Captain Feb. 1919. Attached 2nd Punjab Regiment Nov. 1919. Attached 1/69 Punjabis 1922 and retired same year.
1939 Census shows an Edward Charles Davenport, born 1892, member of the Stock Exchange and Special Constabulary Transport Division living in Croydon.
Commissioned Pilot officer (Admin & Special Duties Branch), RFVR Dec. 1940. Flying Officer Dec. 1941. Flight Lieutenant Jan. 1944. Placed on Non-Active List 1944. 
Price: £455

1914/15 Star           1724 PTE. O.N. SOPER. E. KENT R.
British War Medal     2 LIEUT. O.N. SOPER.
Victory Medal           2 LIEUT. O.N. SOPER.
India General Service Medal  Afghanistan NWF1919  2 LIEUT. O.N. SOPER. 2/153 PUNJABIS.

Owen Norman Soper was born in Ashford, Kent in 1897. Enlisted in the 5th Battalion East Kent Regiment and went to Mespotamia 9 December 1915. He was wounded and sent to India to recuperate. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, Indian Army Reserve of Officers, March 1918. Served in Afghanistan 1919 with the 2nd Battalion 153rd Punjabis. He then joined the Bombay, Baroda and Central India Railway as a Chief Engineer. He returned to the UK in 1948, working for the Ministry of Transport. His obituary states that he was involved in the 1957 Lewisham train crash. On the night of 4 December 1957 in thick fog, a train carrying 1500 people was stopped under a bridge when another train, carrying 700 people, smashed into it. 90 people were killed and 107 injured. While he was not injured, it is said that he suffered severe shock which affected his health. He died 7 March 1960.
Price: £375

British War Medal      LIEUT. B.H. ANDREW.
Victory Medal            LIEUT. B.H. ANDREW.
India General Service Medal  Afghanistan NWF1919  CAPT. B.H. ANDREW. I.A.R.O.

Bernard Howard Andrew was born 14 September 1887 in Penryn, Cornwall.
4 November 1915 Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant 2/4th Battalion Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry in Rawlpindi, India.
MIC shows service in Anden from 27 September 1916.
1939 Cenus he was living in Penryn, Conrwall and was a "Granite Merchant."
He died in Penryn 31 January 1953.
Price: £300

India General Service Medal  Afghanistan NWF 1919/Waziristan 1921-24/Burma 1930-32  2/LT. J.L.G. HARVEY. 5/INFY.
Defence Medal
War Medal

John Gaskell Long Harvey was born in 1900. Commissioned 15 April 1919 and attached to 5th Light Infantry, Indian Army. Captain April 1925.
In 1943 he is shown as 2nd Lieutenant (TARO) serving with the Army Cadet Force in Northern Ireland. 
He died 31 October 1968. 
Price: £295  RESERVED

British War Medal     LIEUT. H. THORNE.
Victory Medal           LIEUT. H. THORNE. (MiD)

Harman Thorne was born in Barnstaple in 1886 and in 1911 was a Surveyor in Barnstaple. He enlisted with the 6th Battalion Devonshire Regiment. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant 30 July 1915, Indian Army Reserve of Officers. MiD Gazette 27 August 1918. 1939 Cenus he was a Chartered Surveyor and "Army Officer Emergency Reserve." He died 9 September 1962 in Park Lane Nursing Home, Barnstaple. 
Price: £140

British War Medal 2.LT. W.H. MC PHERSON.
India General Service Medal Afghanistan NWF1919 LT. W.H. MCPHERSON. 5 LT.INFY.

William Hodgson McPherson was born in 1887 in Staveley, Yorkshire but by 1901 he was living in Bishop Auckland, Durham.
Enlisted in the 1st Battalion Durham Light Infantry. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant Indian Army 22 July 1918.
Price: £200

British War Medal       LT. H. DAVIES.
Victory Medal             LT. H. DAVIES. (MiD)
India General Service Medal Afghanistan NWF1919  LIEUT. H. DAVIES, 5 S. & M.

Hugh Davies was born in 1894. Worked for Oudh & Rohilkand State Railway, Lucknow, India. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant 21 November 1916. Attached No.71 Company, 3rd Bombay, Sappers and Miners, December 1916. Served in East Africa May 1917 to February 1918.
He died at Himachal Pradesh 2 July 1924 and was buried at Simla.
Price: £225

British War Medal                                                   LIEUT. W.E. HOWELL.
India General Service Medal Afghanistan NWF1919  LIEUT. W.E. HOWELL, 31 D.C.O.LCRS.

William Emrys Howell was born 1896 in Llansamlet, Glamorgan.
Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant 2nd Dragoon Guards 19 May 1916.
To France December 1917 (entitled to Victory Medal). To Indian Army Reserve of Officers 1 May 1918.
Acting Captain 27 August 1919 while commanding a squadron of the 31st Lancers.
There is a William Emrys Howell working as a veterinary surgeon in London in 1930 and he is still there in 1939.
Price: £200

British War Medal  LIEUT. C.H. SEDGLEY.
Victory Medal        LIEUT. C.H. SEDGLEY.
India General Service Medal Afghanistan NWF 1919 LIEUT. C.H. SEDGLEY. S. & T. CORPS.
1939-45 Star
Africa Star 1st Army
War Medal

Charles Henry Sedgley was born 1891 in Newcastle Upon Tyne.
Commissioned 2nd Lt. The King's (Liverpool) Regt 24 Sept. 1915 and posted to a Reserve Battalion. To France 26 June 1916. Lt. July 1917.
Transferred to the Indian Army Nov. 1917. I.A.R.O. Captain 24 Sept. 1919.
1920 serving with 3/7th Gurkha Rifles. 1939 living in Newcastle and worked as a secretary for a wine merchants.
Lieutenant, Pioneer Corps 4 Feb. 1941. Pioneer Corps. Captain 12 Feb. 1944. WW2 medals confirmed. He died in Newcastle 6 Dec. 1964.
Price: £300

Queen's South Africa Medal Orange Free State/Transvaal/South Africa 1901 4906 Pte. J. REID. 13/Hussars.  £150

Queen's South Africa Medal Transvaal/South Africa 1902 4960 L.SERGT. H. TAYLOR. 18TH HUSSARS.  £120

Army Long Service Good Conduct Medal (Vic) 19.TROOP SERGT. MAJOR GEO. IVES. 18TH HUSSARS  

George Ives was born in London in 1832 and enlisted into the 3rd Dragoons in May 1851. To the 10th Hussars December 1855. Corporal December 1857. To 18th Hussars March 1858 (Sergeant).
Service record shows service in the Crimea, but he does not appear on the medal rolls. Discharged 15 August 1876.

Queen's South Africa Medal Tugela Heights/Relief of Ladysmith 3719 Pte. W.H. COX.13/Hussars  £275

Died of dysentery 7 June 1900

Queen's South Africa Medal Tugela Heights / Relief of Ladysmith 5666. Pte.J. ROCHE. 13/Hussars  £275

Died of enteric at Ladysmith 4 May 1900.

Queen's South Africa Medal Orange Free State/Transvaal/Laings' Nek 4126 Pte: J.W. FISK. 18/Hrs.
King's South Africa Medal South Africa 1901/South Africa 1902 4126 PTE. J.W. FISK. 18TH HUSSARS

Price: £255

Queen's South Africa Medal Tugela Heights/Relief of Ladysmith 4147 Pte T. GIBBS. 13/Hussars.  £275

Died of enteric at Newcastle 10 May 1900.

Queen's South Africa Medal Orange Free State/Laing's Nek/Belfast/South Africa 1901 4919 Pte F.S. BROOKS. 18/Hrs.  £400
Killed in action 14 December 1901 at Uitgezoht. Top clasp is loose.

India Medal  Punjab Frontier 1897-98    Captain M.S. Wellby 18th Hussars.
Queen's South Africa Medal  Defence of Ladysmith/Orange Free State/Transvaal/Laing's Nek  Capt. M.S. WELLBY. 18/Hussars.

Montagu Sinclair Wellby was born in 1866. Educated at Rugby, he was commissioned into the 18th Hussars in August 1886. Author of "Through Unknwon Tibet" and "Twixt Sirdar and Menelik. An account of a Year's Expedition from Zeila to Cairo through Unknown Abyssinia." Wrote "King Menelek's Dominions and the Country between Lake Gallop and the Nile Valley" for The Geographical Journal (1900). Served with the Commissariat Transport Department, Tochi Field Force in India 1897 (medal). Served in the Defence of Ladysmith. 
Regimental History: "29 July 1900. Our two squadrons were assigned to the right and flank, and "B" under Captain Wellby were given advanced duties to perform. ... Captain Wellby, taking with him Sergeant Butcher and a few men, proceeded down the Schalk Spruit. Whilst he was engaged shooting at some Boers, others attacked him. He took up a position in a kraal and succeeded keeping them at bay until a larger party of some 30 Boers advanced under cover to close range. He bid the men with him to mount and gallop for their lives whilst he kept off the advancing Boers. When all his men had cleared, leaping on his horse, he attempted to follow them, but the Boers were within 10 yards of him. His indignant refusal to their appeal "hands up", they fired, mortally wounding him in the stomach."
"On August 5th, at 3.30 am, Captain Wellby died after 48 hours unconsciousness. He was brought in on August 2nd from a kraal. For the first few days he seemed to be making fair recovery, but it was found that he was never out of danger. His funeral was held at Zandspruit and he was buried near the railway station at 3.30 pm. In Captain Wellby the regiment lost one of its best officers. His exploits in travel and exploration are well-known. His loss, the first casualty among our officers, was not only a loss to the regiment to also a great one to England."
Pair: £1750

Queen's South Africa Medal Talana/Defence of Ladysmith/Orange Free State/Laing's Nek/Belfast 4526. Pte. J. TODD. 18/Hrs.  £575

Clasps confirmed on roll. Also entitled to King's South Africa Medal.

Queen's South Africa Medal Orange Free State/Laing's Nek/Belfast 3455. Pte. W. MANSFIELD. 18/Hrs.  £170

Queen's South Africa Medal Talana/Defence of Ladysmith/Belfast 4533.Corpl: G.W. MORCAM. 18/Hrs.   £675

Wounded at Elands Spruit 10 October 1900.

Queen's South Africa Medal Talana/Defence of Ladysmith/Belfast 4615. Pte. D. KIDD. 18/Hrs.  £820

Severley wounded at Uitkijk 25 January 1901. Mentioned in Despatches (Gazette 7 May 1901): "4615 Private Kidd, 18th Hussars, promoted to Corporal by Commander-in-Chief."

Queen's South Africa Medal Natal/Belfast 3711. Pte. C. BARNES. 18/Hrs.    £245

Slightly wounded at Uitkijk 23 January 1901.

Queen's South Africa Medal Transvaal 5009 CORPL: H. ALDOUS. 18TH HUSSARS.   £275

Died of disease at Middleburg 17 February 1902.

Queen's South Africa Medal Transvaal 4404. PTE T. CAPPER. 13TH HUSSARS    £240

Severley wounded near Greylingstad 29 April 1901.

Queen's South Africa Medal Tugela Heights/Relief of Ladysmith/Transvaal/Laing's Nek/Orange Free State  4105. Pte. A. WILLIAMS. 13/Hrs.
King's South Africa Medal     South Africa 1901/South Africa 1901  
British War Medal                   LIEUT. A. WILLIAMS.
Victory Medal                      LIEUT. A. WILLIAMS. (MiD)

Defence Medal

Alfred Williams was born 13 May 1879. Commissioned 15 Nov. 1915. To France 1 February 1916. Lieutenant July 1917. MiD shown in regimental history. Captain and retired January 1921. 
Price: £420

India General Service Medal  Northwest Frontier  3440 D. QUINN. H.M.S 32ND REGT.
Indian Mutiny Medal  Defence of Lucknow            D. QUINN. 32ND L.I.

Dennis Quinn was born in Monagh, Tipperary and enlisted into the 34th Foot July 1848 (No. 2992). Transferred to the 32nd Foot April 1849 (No. 3440). Service record states: "In Defence of Residency Lucknow from 30 June to 25 Nov. 57; at the Battle of Cawnpore 6 Dec. 1857." He was discharged January 1860 "allowed to reckon one year additional service on discharge granted by Her Majesty for defence of Lucknow."
30 June 1857 mutineers arrived north of Lucknow causing the British troops to move into the Residency and set up a defensive position (855 British officers and soldiers, 712 Indians, 153 civilian volunteers, and 1,280 civilians). The first attack was repulsed on 1 July. Around 8,000 sepoys had joined the rebel force. with a mix of modern and old canons. Several attempts to storm the position were fought off and then they settled down to a siege. 20 July Major General Havelock attempted to relieve Lucknow, but a battle at Unnao reduced his force to 850 men and he had to withdraw. 18 September Outram led a force of six British and one Sikh infantry battalions to Lucknow to attempt a relief. By the time he reached the Residency, the garrison was reduced to 982 fighting men. But now Havelock's force was so weak that they could not evacuate the Residency and so the siege continued. 14 November, Sir Colin Campbell began his relief of Lucknow. Two days later, after heavy fighting, his force approached the Residency. 19 November the operation to evacuate the Residency began, with the civilians escorted to Cawnpore.
The first siege had lasted 87 days, the second siege a further 61 days.
During the siege, the Union Jack was nailed to the flagpole and so flown continually (the custom was to take it down at dusk). After Luckno was retake, permission was given for the Union Jackto be flown 24 hours a day on the Residency's flagpole. The day before India became independent, the flag was lowered, the flagpole cut down, and the base removed and cemented over, to prevent any other flag ever being flown there.
Price: £2500  

India General Service Medal Northwest Frontier / Bhootan 624 CORPL. P.F. TAYLOR. BENGAL SAPRS & MINERS   £340


Militia Long Service Medal (EdVII) 192 GNR: J. KEEGAN. DUB: CITY R.G.A. MIL.   £725

Medal awarded February 1905; only seven medals to unit. Dublin City Royal Garrison Artillery Militia. 
James Keegan was born in Dublin in 1860 and enlisted September 1884. Discharged September 1906.

1939-45 Star
France & Germany
Defence Medal
War Medal
1937 Coronation Medal
Army Long Service Good Conduct Medal
(GVI)  6134492 W.O.CL.III. W.G. WERNHAM. E.SURR:R.
Army Meritorious Service Medal(GVI)                                        6134492 W.O.CL.I. W.G. WERNHAM. E.SURREY R.

William George Wernham was born 9 October 1902 in Kingaston, Surrey and enlisted into the East Surrey Regiment 22 July 1920.
Served in Egypt Nov. 1920 to Nov. 1923; Hong Kong Nov. 1923 to Oct. 1926; India Oct. 1926 to Nov. 1937;
Awarded 1937 Coronation Medal as Drum Major. Sudan Nov. 1937 to Jan. 1939. UK 1939-1945 (Copy red book shows no entitlement to 1939-45 Star or France & Germany Star but he is wearing them in photograph). MSM 1951 Regimental Sergeant Major.
He was discharged 29 October 1952. Joined the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children as an Inspector. He died in 1986 in Gloucestershire. When the Battalion was in the Sudan they took part in the making of the film The Four Feathers: "Back from the Sudan. 1st Battalion East Surrey Regiment. While in camp at Sabaluka Gorge they cooperated with the producers and artists then on the spot filming A.E.W. Mason's novel "The Four Feathers". 
Price: £500