India General Service Medal  Northwest Frontier  3440 D. QUINN. H.M.S 32ND REGT.
Indian Mutiny Medal  Defence of Lucknow            D. QUINN. 32ND L.I.

Dennis Quinn was born in Monagh, Tipperary and enlisted into the 34th Foot July 1848 (No. 2992). Transferred to the 32nd Foot April 1849 (No. 3440). Service record states: "In Defence of Residency Lucknow from 30 June to 25 Nov. 57; at the Battle of Cawnpore 6 Dec. 1857." He was discharged January 1860 "allowed to reckon one year additional service on discharge granted by Her Majesty for defence of Lucknow."
30 June 1857 mutineers arrived north of Lucknow causing the British troops to move into the Residency and set up a defensive position (855 British officers and soldiers, 712 Indians, 153 civilian volunteers, and 1,280 civilians). The first attack was repulsed on 1 July. Around 8,000 sepoys had joined the rebel force. with a mix of modern and old canons. Several attempts to storm the position were fought off and then they settled down to a siege. 20 July Major General Havelock attempted to relieve Lucknow, but a battle at Unnao reduced his force to 850 men and he had to withdraw. 18 September Outram led a force of six British and one Sikh infantry battalions to Lucknow to attempt a relief. By the time he reached the Residency, the garrison was reduced to 982 fighting men. But now Havelock's force was so weak that they could not evacuate the Residency and so the siege continued. 14 November, Sir Colin Campbell began his relief of Lucknow. Two days later, after heavy fighting, his force approached the Residency. 19 November the operation to evacuate the Residency began, with the civilians escorted to Cawnpore.
The first siege had lasted 87 days, the second siege a further 61 days.
During the siege, the Union Jack was nailed to the flagpole and so flown continually (the custom was to take it down at dusk). After Luckno was retake, permission was given for the Union Jackto be flown 24 hours a day on the Residency's flagpole. The day before India became independent, the flag was lowered, the flagpole cut down, and the base removed and cemented over, to prevent any other flag ever being flown there.
Price: £2500  

Sutlej Medal Sobraon reverse               WM KNIGHT 9TH LANCERS
Punjab Medal Chilianwala/Goojerat      WM KNIGHT 9TH LANCERS
William Knight was from Tunbridge Wells, Kent and enlisted into the 12th Lancers in July 1838. Served in the Gwalior Campaign at the Battle of Punniar (entitled to the Star); then at Sobraon during the Sutlej War. He was present at the passage of the Chenab and the Battles of Chilianwal and Goojerat during the Punjab War. Discharged at Chatham in September 1852, aged 34. In 1871 he was working as a plasterer and lived in Windsor, Berkshire. He died there in 1878.  (PS)

Crimea Medal  Unnamed   £120
India General Service Medal Persia  GUNNER J. WRIGHT. ARTILLERY.    £450
With note that states "correct on roll L/Mil/5/55."  (JW)

Private John Grace
6th Foot
India General Service Medal Northwest Frontier 204. J. GRACE. H M's. 1st BN, 6TH REGT.    £280
John Grace enlisted in the 51st Regiment in 1858 but transferred to the 6th Regiment soon after. Served in the Indian Mutiny, medal confirmed on roll. He was awarded the I.G.S. Medal for service in the Hazara Expedition. He was discharged February 1879, after just over 20 years service. 

India General Service Medal  Northwest Frontier   461 PTE J. JONES. 3 BN. RIF. BDE.    £320
John Jones was born in London and enlisted March 1855, aged 22. Served in India for 13 years.  He was sent to Darjeeling in 18709 suffering from fever. Returned to UK and discharged August 1871. Medal confirmed on roll. (JW)

India General Service Medal Northwest Frontier   2305 M. DOWLING. 81ST REGT.    £320
Michael Dowling was born in Queen's County, Ireland and enlisted January 1847, aged 23. Discharged 1868, received the Army Long Service Good Conduct Medal. Medal confirmed on roll.  (JW)

Private William Howe
Rifle Brigade
India General Service Medal Burma 1885-87  4573 Pte. W. Howe 1st Bn Rif. Brig.    £155
William Howe. Medal and clasp confirmed on roll.

India General Service Medal Burma 1885-7   810 Pte. J. Walford. 2nd Bn R.W. Fus.    £200
John Walford was born in London and enlisted October 1884, aged 24. Served in India and Burma December 1885 to February 1892. Medal confirmed on roll. Discharged October 1896.  (JW)

India General Service Medal Burma 1885-7/Burma 1887-89   393 Pte A. Day. 2nd Bn R. Muns Fus.    £290
Medal confirmed on roll.  (JW)

India General Service Medal Burma 1885-7/Hazara 1891   694 Pte. M. Clarke, 1st Bn R.W. Fus.    £350
Matthew Clarke. Medal and clasps confirmed on roll.  (JW)

India General Service Medal Burma 1885-7/Burma 1887-89   813 Pte C. Ings 2d Bn Hamps R.    £320
Charles Ings was born in Ringwood, Hampshire and enlisted March 1883, aged 19. Served in Malta and India. Transferred to the Reserve November 1890 and discharged March 1895. Medal and clasps confirmed on roll.   (JW)

PrivateT. Evans
King's Royal Rifle Corps

Afghanistan Medal Kandahar/Ahmed Khel 746 PTE. T. EVANS. 2/60TH FOOT.   £350
Thomas Evans was born 1841 and enlisted into the 2nd Battalion King's Royal Rifle Corps in 1860. A year later he was serving in China and by 1871 was a Sergeant serving in India. However, by 1879 he was back to Private. Discharged March 1882. Clasps confirmed on roll. Discharge sheet shows entitlement to the Kabul to Kandahar Star.

India General Service Medal Burma 1887-89   1935 Pte J. Smith 2d Bn Ches. R.    £240

India General Service Medal Burma 1889-92   428 Serjt. W. Rowland 2d Bn Devon Regt.    £220
Medal and clasp confirmed on roll.  (JW)

Corporal Charles O'Connell
Manchester Regiment
India General Service Medal Samana 1891 1905 DRUMMER O'CONNELL. 2ND MANCHESTER REGT.  £200
Medal confirmed on roll. Charles Michael O'Connell was born in Manchester and enlisted 1887, aged 18. Served in India 1889 to 1895. Discharged 1899. Re-called May 1899. Entitled to Queen's South Africa Medal with 3 clasps. Discharged August 1903. Medal roll and service record does not state drummer. Naming obviously altered at some time.  (AF)

India Medal  Punjab Frontier 1897-98    Captain M.S. Wellby 18th Hussars.
Queen's South Africa Medal  Defence of Ladysmith/Orange Free State/Transvaal/Laing's Nek  Capt. M.S. WELLBY. 18/Hussars.
Montagu Sinclair Wellby was born in 1866. Educated at Rugby, he was commissioned into the 18th Hussars in August 1886. Author of "Through Unknwon Tibet" and "Twixt Sirdar and Menelik. An account of a Year's Expedition from Zeila to Cairo through Unknown Abyssinia." Wrote "King Menelek's Dominions and the Country between Lake Gallop and the Nile Valley" for The Geographical Journal (1900). Served with the Commissariat Transport Department, Tochi Field Force in India 1897 (medal). Served in the Defence of Ladysmith. 
Regimental History: "29 July 1900. Our two squadrons were assigned to the right and flank, and "B" under Captain Wellby were given advanced duties to perform. ... Captain Wellby, taking with him Sergeant Butcher and a few men, proceeded down the Schalk Spruit. Whilst he was engaged shooting at some Boers, others attacked him. He took up a position in a kraal and succeeded keeping them at bay until a larger party of some 30 Boers advanced under cover to close range. He bid the men with him to mount and gallop for their lives whilst he kept off the advancing Boers. When all his men had cleared, leaping on his horse, he attempted to follow them, but the Boers were within 10 yards of him. His indignant refusal to their appeal "hands up", they fired, mortally wounding him in the stomach."
"On August 5th, at 3.30 am, Captain Wellby died after 48 hours unconsciousness. He was brought in on August 2nd from a kraal. For the first few days he seemed to be making fair recovery, but it was found that he was never out of danger. His funeral was held at Zandspruit and he was buried near the railway station at 3.30 pm. In Captain Wellby the regiment lost one of its best officers. His exploits in travel and exploration are well-known. His loss, the first casualty among our officers, was not only a loss to the regiment to also a great one to England."
Pair: £1750

India General Service Medal Waziristan 1894-95   3519 Pte W. Bennett. 2d Bn Border Regt.    £220
William Bennett was born in Manchester and enlisted July 1892, aged 21. Served in India 1894 to 1901. Discharged December 1901. Medal and clasp confirmed on roll.  (JW)
Volunteer Long Service Medal   Unnamed  £50

L/Corporal Henry Harrison
Royal Warwickshire Regiment
Queen's Sudan Medal   3072 L/CPL. H. HARRISON. 1/R.WAR:R.   £285    (JW) Henry Harrison was born in Birmingham and enlisted November 1890. Discharged to Reserve October 1899 but recalled a month later for South Africa. Received QSA with 3 clasps. Discharged November 1902.

Private David Muir
Cameron Highlanders
Khedive's Sudan Medal The Atbara/Khartoum 3800 Pte MUIR. 1 CAM. HIGHrs    £260  (JW)
David Muir was born in Lochgelly, Fife and enlisted 1896, aged 18. Served in Gibraltar, Egypt and South Africa. Also recieved the Queen's Sudan Medal, QSA with 3 clasps and KSA with 2 clasps. Discharged May 1908.

1914/15 Star        4085. SJT. E.L. LARTER. 13TH. HRS.
British War Medal  4085 SJT. E.L. LARTER. 13TH. HRS.
Victory Medal        4
085 SJT. E.L. LARTER. 13TH. HRS.
Delhi Durbar         4085 SERGT LARTER. E.L. XIII HUSSARS.
Army Long Service Good Conduct Medal (GV)  4085 SJT: E.L. LARTER. 13/HUSSARS
Ernest Louis Larter was born in Gosport, Hampshire in 1883. By 1901 he had enlisted into the 13th Hussars.
Durbar Medal confirmed, with note: "Massed Bands Camp". To France 15 December 1914. Long Service Medal awarded
October 1916.
In 1939 he was living in Woking, Surrey and shown as "Clerk, War Office" and "Army Pensioner". He died in 1947.
Price: £350

Private William Robert Hughes
Royal Army Medical Corps
1914/15 Star             19480 PTE. W.R. HUGHES. R.A.M.C.
British War Medal     
19480 PTE. W.R. HUGHES. R.A.M.C.
Victory Medal             19480 PTE. W.R. HUGHES. R.A.M.C.
Memorial Plaque        WILLIAM ROBERT HUGHES
William Robert Hughes served with 7 Field Ambulance, Royal Army Medical Corps. His unit was at Ransart, near Arras 23 August 1918 when they came under an enemy barrage. Seven men were killed, including William. He is buried at Bellacourt Military Cemetery, Riviere. He left a wife, Mabel, and four children, all under 7 years old. They lived in Whittington Road, Wood Green, London.
Trio and plaque: £220  RESERVED

Private Francis Frederick Smith
Gloucestershire Rergiment
1914/15 Star             18988 PTE. F.F. SMITH. GLOUC:R.
British War Medal     
Victory Medal             18988 PTE. F.F. SMITH. GLOUC:R.
Francis Frederick Smith was born in 1889  Enlisted 23 January 1915 1st Battalion Gloucestershire Regiment and went to France 3 May 1915.
Discharged 2 September 1916 due to wounds (Silver War Badge no. 27181). Pension card states: "GSW Eye".   (MS)
Group of three: £80
1914/15 Star             2443 Q.M.SJT. F. MORTIMER MIDD'X R.
British War Medal     
Victory Medal             2443 W.O.CL.2. F. MORTIMER MIDD'X R.
Frank Mortimer enlisted May 1914 and was discharged 11 May 1917 due to sickness.
Group of three: £85

British War Medal      L-36414 DVR. J. HIBON. R.F.A.
Victory Medal             L-36414 DVR. J. HIBON. R.F.A.
John Hibon was born in 1884 and enlisted in July 1915 and went to France 1916. He was demobed in 1919 and lived in Marlborough Road, Bowes Park, London. In 1939 he was living in Wood Green and was a window cleaner.
There is only one MIC in the surname of Hibon.
Pair: £38

Private John William Castle
Yorkshre Regiment
British War Medal                                                            9255 CPL. J.W. CASTLE. YORK.R.
India General Service Medal Aghanistan NWF 1919  9255 CPL. J.W. CASTLE. YORK.R.
Copy papers. John William Castle was from Northallerton, Yorkshire and enlisted April 1908. To India with the 1st Battalion in 1913. The Battalion spent the war in India. Discharged January 1920. Medals confirmed as only entitlement.
Pair: £100

Sergeant R. Alexander
British War Medal                                                             143360 A-CPL. R. ALEXANDER. R.E.
Victory Medal                                                                    143360 A-CPL. R. ALEXANDER. R.E.
India General Service Medal Afghanistan NWF 1919  143360 SGT. R. ALEXANDER. 2 Q.V.O. S & M.
2nd Queen Victoria's Own Sappers and Miners, Indian Army.
Group of three: £120

 Gunner William Read
Royal Field Artillery
British War Medal                                                            123369 GNR. W. READ. R.F.A.
Victory Medal                                                                   123369 GNR. W. READ. R.F.A.
India General Service Medal Aghanistan NWF 1919  123369 GNR. W. READ. R.A.
William Read was from Walton-on-Thames, Surrey and enlisted March 1916, aged 24. Served in France from June 1916. Posted to India August 1917. Served in the Afghan War attached to HQ 7 Brigade, Royal Field Artillery. Discharged February 1920.
Group of three: £120

British War Medal          

Victory Medal

Private T. Sweetman
King's Regiment

India General Service Medal Afghanistan N.W.F. 1919 64731 PTE. T. SWEETMAN, KING'S   REGT.    £70
Thomas Sweetman served with 2nd Battalion King's Liverpool Regiment. He is also entitled to a British War Medal.